Mission & Values


We provide world-class QDRO & QMCSO leadership for our plan sponsors & their employees, that helps families—in a challenging time, move forward.


HUMAN TOUCH: Everyone deserves a friendly, helpful voice. Each interaction is an opportunity to problemsolve, to teach, and to learn. We're always available to give all inquiries our undivided attention until they are resolved--regardless of complexity.

DEEP EXPERTISE: Our confidence is built on our expertise from decades in the field. We keep our focus narrow, and our passion high. There are no limits to our commitment to remain at the forefront of expertise in the industry.

CANDID & CLEAR: The quality of our relationships is determined by how we communicate. Clarity and candor are the most direct, efficient path toward the best possible outcome. Everyone deserves context, and the right information at the right time.

SELF-REFLECTIVE: Our success comes from finding a better way to do things. We pause and reflect before making the next big push. We find time to assess what is working and what isn't, then swiftly set a new course.

BUILT TO GROW: A healthy business is made up of growth-oriented individuals. We stay focused on providing resources and development that foster growth. Our continued success requires adaptive performance--our ability to deviate from the plan and grow as a result.